Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I haven't quite figured out how this is going to work yet. I think I'll just keep track of what I'm doing every day and post it here. Chart my progress. I should also note that this page isn't meant to be particularly entertaining. It's really just about holding myself accountable, which I think I can do better if I have to post how I'm doing and others can potentially call me out.

I should also admit that I am taking a pill every morning that is meant to supplement my weight loss efforts. I'm going to wait to say what it is until I know if it works for me or not. I usually don't go for fad or too-good-to-be-true programs, knowing that basic healthy eating and exercise is ultimately the best way to stay trim regardless. Not to say that there aren't programs out there that really work for people. So I guess you have to do what's best for you.

The particular supplement I'm taking worked wonders for my mom, my cousin and one of my mom's best friends. If women I know, love and trust weren't highly recommending it, I would never take it. It is also prescribed by a doctor and I will be taking it for 23 more days. So I am taking that every morning as well as eating extremely healthfully, drinking tons of water and exercising.

Yesterday was the first day of really being strict.

Here was yesterday:

Up at 8:00 am - had an apple and a cup of tea

Class from 9:15 until 12:30

Gym - 45 minutes on the elliptical (all I had time for yesterday)

Home for shower and lunch of grilled chicken and grilled asparagus

Class from 2:40 to 3:55

Part-time job from 4:30 to 7:30

Back to school to watch a film for one of my classes

Home at 10:00 and had to eat late dinner because busy, busy day so had salad of baby spinach, tomato, basil, apple and grilled chicken with balsamic vinegar

Bed at 12:30

Drank about 3 liters of water throughout the day

I'll post weight lost for the week (if any) every Monday.

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