Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 22

If you scroll down, you'll see that I have eaten nothing substantial for the last three weeks, for a variety of reasons, including persistent vomiting.  This isn't even so much a diet diary anymore but Vomit Watch 2010.  Are we tired of that word yet?  Because I have said it a lot in the last two weeks.  Vomit, vomit, vomit.  You are tired of it?  Well, I'm tired of doing it.  Now that that's settled, today around 6 pm I realized that all I'd eaten all day was a popsicle and I decided enough was enough.  I needed to try to eat something a bit heartier than soup and grapefruit smoothies. 

So I got takeout - pasta with grilled chicken and broccoli in a white wine sauce with a small Caesar side salad.  It felt good.  My tummy grumbled a bit after but so far, so good. 

That's it, all I ate today.  I can't wait for things to be back to normal. 

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