Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 14

I have not eaten solid food other than Saltines and popsicles since Thursday morning. That is my diet tip of the day. Please do not take that seriously. Solid food is very important. I just do not have my appetite back. I have cravings but when it comes time to actually decide on something to eat, my mind, damaged by 48 hours of food being the enemy, rejects every idea I have.

I went to the deli today and got a whole wheat sandwich with turkey and cheddar, lettuce, tomato, and pickles. I ate 1/4 of it. That is all I could handle before my mind, who I'm pretty sure is the culprit at this point and not my body, said no. I also got some coffee because I haven't really had any in two weeks and I thought that would be a nice treat. I got a small 12 oz cup and could only drink half. It didn't even taste good. I don't even know me anymore.

So other than a liter of water and two popsicles, that is all I ate today. Strangely, I'm not even a bit hungry. Everything is out of whack. I shall wait patiently for my appetite rather than forcing it.

Though it may surprise you to hear that I did in fact go to the gym today. However, it was just to pop in to weigh myself on their fancy-shmancy doctor's office type scale since it is Monday and technically weigh-in day. Another 5 pounds lost. Though, this week, I hardly think it was worth it. I'll take only 2 pounds lost and not having a stomach virus any day of the week.

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